150th Timeline

Learn more about our milestones, events, and achievements over the past 50 years by exploring our timeline below. Remembering our past is not just about honoring where we’ve been; it’s about recognizing the foundation upon which we continue to build our future.

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1970s | 1980s | 1990s | 2000s | 2010s | 2020s


Jump to: 1980 >>


J. Barrie Shepherd: Pastor. Centennial Scholarship established for COW students considering post-graduate ministerial studies.


J. Barrie Shepherd leaves. Cindy Jarvis: interim pastor

Session approves Westminster’s Board of Trustees recommendation to sell the manse.


Gordon Stewart: pastor. Cindy Jarvis: associate pastor


Rich and Josie Drushal married in McGaw Chapel

Pastor Gordon Stewart inaugurates the Theologians-in-Residence series which brought these prominent theologians to church and campus:

  • William Stringfellow, Episcopal theologian, and attorney for Fr. Daniel Kerrigan
  • John Perkins, civil rights leader, and member of the Koinonia Community in Americus GA.
  • Paul Louis Lehmann, author on Christian ethics and close friend of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
  • Mohamed Kenyatta, civil rights activist.
  • Emilo de Carvalho, Bishop, Angola Conference, United Methodist Church.
  • Adolfo Ham, Dean of the Evangelical Theological Seminary, Mantanza, Cuba.

Cindy Jarvis leaves for McCormick Theological Seminary



Jump to: << 1974 | 1990 >>


New bylaws adopted. Church “trustees” are dissolved. Mark Wendorf appointed associate pastor

The Jail Ministry under the leadership of Carla Wise visits the inmates at the Justice Center once a month.

Senior High Fellowship debates abortion and draft registration with representatives from the Marine Corp and the Committee Against Registration for the Draft.


Area for nursery school playground and church events created after razing area known as Larcamp property.


Gordon Stewart, representing the Synod of the Covenant, supports call for “nuclear freeze.” Willam Sloane Coffin visits campus and meets with Westminster Peacekeepers.


Gordon Stewart leaves: Westminster begins debate in support of Sanctuary movement


Barbara Dua becomes pastor Mark Wendorf, associate pastor leaves to accept a call in Cincinnati.

January 14: Westminster presents Amahl and the Night Visitors, a cooperative effort with our connections to COW, OLO, and Trinity UCC. Directed by our choir director Nancy Daley.


Wendy McCormick hired as Intern Minister for child and youth development. “Seekers” reinstate Soup and Bread Night. Gomez choir: first visit from New York City and performs at service. Women’s study group is formed.

Weiss family joins Westminster and sons are baptized. Lee family (Sue-min, Joe, Kent, Monica, and Joanne) join Westminster and are baptized.

May 18: Westminster's Children and Youth continue their own Talent Show at Youth Recognition Sunday. This fundraiser was for Health Kits for Church World Service.


Tim Anderson hired as Associate Minister with responsibilities for Christian education, youth ministry and campus life. Westminster completes self-study with Alban Institute.


Barbara Dua leaves for Chaplain position at Chapel Hill. John Hadsell is Interim Minister. Approved new church/college memorandum of understanding. Youth group travels to Mexico for work project.


John Hadsell and Paul Kearns share responsibilities as Interim Ministers. Bed and Breakfast program is started with income to benefit Global Concerns Committee initiatives.



Jump to: << 1980 | 2000 >>


R. David Hoffelt: chosen as Senior Minister. City council and church member, Linda Houston, helps pass church supported Fair Housing Act. 8th annual Westminster Benefit Variety Show raises $ 800.00 for Every Woman’s House. “More Light” study group formed. Westminster Senior High Youth Group travels to Dominican Republic for mission project. WPC “seekers” support student tent city protest in front of Lowry protesting aid to El Salvador.


College Religious Dimensions committee releases job description for “Coordinator of Campus Ministries.” Tim Anderson and church interns spend night in jail after protesting US foreign policy. Tim Anderson resigns


Accepted new position description for Associate Pastor of Westminster and Associate Dean of Students for Campus Ministries. Barbara Battin hired as Associate Minister New Memorandum of Agreement between church and college drafted. Westminster Senior High Youth Group travels to Yonkers NY on mission trip to restore brownstones for low-income families. First BorderLinks trip for experiential educational seminar and witness to immigration issues on both sides of the U.S./Mexico border


R. David Hoffelt announces resignation. Westminster Senior High Youth Group travels to Cattaraugus NY for mission trip supporting Senaca Nation.

April: Senior High Youth Group travels to Washington DC to participate in the March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation.


Carroll Meyer named Pastor. President Copeland proposes changing the Memorandum of Agreement with the intention that Westminster assume full support of the Church Secretary position with the College increasing its Westminster pledge from $35,000 to $42,000.


Barbara Battin resigns. Students Laurie Fields, Heidi Haverkamp. Sarah Sanderson, Jonathan Seitz, Mieke Vandersall represent student interests at session meetings. Westminster Senior High Youth Group travels to Merida Mexico to pour the concrete roof of the Downs Syndrome Institute


Fireside Meals established as a time for food and fellowship with students. Koinonia, a student fellowship group is popular.


The Committee on Theological and Spiritual Values meet monthly. Westminster Senior High Youth Group travels to Cozumel Mexico to work on a community center at the Eben-Ezer Presbyterian Church.


Jim Henery conducts a Bible study on Listening for God, stories of contemporary literature and the life of faith


Media Committee continued its efforts to make Westminster Church a known presence in the Wooster community



Jump to: << 1990 | 2010 >>


The Church's Discussion Group on Christianity and Culture met monthly. Westminster Senior High Youth Group travels to Merida Mexico to continue work on Down’s Syndrome Institute and a Montessori school


First year Women’s Association is not mentioned in budget.


Mission projects supported this year include Gifts of the Heart, Salvation Army bell ringing, Meals on Wheels, Sack lunches for the Gomez children's choir, People to People Ministries, Every Woman's House, Hospice of Wayne County, The Intercambio 2002 Continued: Intercambio, Alternative Christmas, Wooster Interfaith Housing Corporation through the Bread Project, Viola Startzman Free Clinic, Habitat for Humanity. The American Red Cross, The Shower of Stoles Project, Meals Together


Centennial Scholarship committee receives requests from Mieke Vandersall, Kate Smanik, Heidi Haverkamp and Laura Fothergill

Westminster Fellowship Committee publishes a cook book in honor of John and Helen Monroe


Moved services from McGaw Chapel to Mackey Sanctuary. Westminster Senior High Youth Group students participate in the March for Women’s Lives in Washington D.C. Westminster Senior High Youth Group travels to Cancun Mexico to complete a concrete roof on the Bethesda Presbyterian Church.

Rev. Ken Shafer assumes role of Parish Associate


The Christ and Culture Discussion Group sought to gain insight into the Israel/Palestine conflict. Westminster Senior High Youth Group and several church members travel to Hobox Mexico to add a classroom to the Templo Nacional Presbiteriano Church


Generous funding was received to promote three peacekeeping projects Grants of $25,000 each were established for 1) Church Partnership with Greek Catholic Church in Palestine, 2) Borderlinks and Immigration Reform and 3) Montessori School Support.

Jeff Araluce, Associate Director of Music (2004-2008) establishes the First Friday Concert Series. With assistance from Stephen Leslie, Director of Music and Organist, and Ken Shafer this musical series was very popular and well attended in Wooster.

Westminster women met monthly at the home of Jeanne Bruce for fellowship, study, and brown-bag lunches. Westminster Senior High Youth Group travels to Cozumel, Mexico to build a church parsonage.

Pastor Meyer announces his retirement. Virginia Birks serves as Pre-Interim Pastor. BorderLinks trip to Tucson AZ and Nogales, Mexico. Pastor Meyer announces his retirement.

Carol Evans LeBlanc serves as Interim Pastor. Congregation awaits arrival of called Pastor Andries Coetzee. Senior High Youth Group continues under the direction of Greg Barbu with the assistance of two college interns


Jump to: << 2000 | 2020 >>


Andries Coetzee arrives as Pastor. Second BorderLinks trip. Monthly Vegan Potlucks: community and college outreach Westminster Senior High Youth Group travels to Kantunilkin Mexico to lay the tile flooring in the Presbyterian Church community room. Church group travels to Palestine to meet with St George Melkite Greek Catholic Church in Zabaddeh Palestine.


We establish, with other area churches, partnerships with Open Arms Hispanic Ministries and the Immigrant Worker Project. Westminster provided financial help to four students who planned to work in India under the Global Social Entrepreneurship Program


Committee structure consolidated into three cohorts: Missions, Congregational Life and Property/Finance. Terms of use and Memorandum of Agreement finalized with the College of Wooster. BorderLinks trip.

Dave and Sandy Schmidt begin attending Westminster and are drawn to it by the musical ministry of Bill Mateer.

February: Lincoln Way Elementary School Campaign - Westminster played a large role in the campaign to keep the school open, which ended up playing a significant role in the larger campaign in Wooster to bring more diversity into the school district.


Westminster participated in an “Ecumenical Build” project of Habitat for Humanity. We participated in an ecumenical prayer vigil and procession to Rep. Gibbs’ office in Ashland to raise awareness for fair immigration legislation. Celebrated the Boy Scout Troop 61 100th Anniversary. Westminster has been home to Troop 61 since its inception

January 27: Naomi Tutu Visit - Naomi did presentations at Wooster High School. Dave and Gayle hosted a large community dinner in their home for Westminster and NAACP to celebrate Naomi's visit and have her speak. There was a very large church service at Westminster the next day, featuring Naomi.


Congregation begins using new hymnals.


Emily Oshinskie is hired as our Young Adult Peace Worker to work with the college students, church families and youth. Jim Collier is appointed as Parish Associate for Westminster. Decision to dissolve Deacon’s structure and commission a new Congregational Care Team.

January 31: Screening of "Selma" movie for NAACP and Wooster High School students who were bused to the theater. Westminster sponsored this.

June 17: The Charleston church massacre- Since August 2015, two months after the Charleston massacre, a coalition led by the Wooster/Orrville NAACP, including Westminster Presbyterian Church, started petitioning the Wayne County Fair Board to prohibit the sale and display of the Confederate flag.

November 19: Syrian Refugee statement by Dave Noble and Andries Coetzee, read on the steps of Westminster.


WPC connects with Agape Latte, UKirk meals, Vegan meals, and lunch meetings with Emily Oshinskie.

Westminster begins a multi-year partnership with local NAACP to address structural racism in Wayne County and helps staff a booth at the county fair named “Wayne County Fair For All”, leading to the eventual removal of confederate flag sales.

June 29: Presentation by Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center

August: First Wayne County Fair for All Booth


In June WPC commenced its contemplative services: indoors in the winter and spring and at Oak Hill Park: “Walking in Mindfulness” in summer and fall. Erin Guzman replaces Emily Oshinskie with the new title of Director of Student Ministries. WPC members participate in Women’s March on Washington.

January: Bus from Westminster to Women's March in Washington, D.C.

May 7: Jack Veney completes Eagle Scout landscape project at main entrance to the Church House.


Interim pastor, Tricia Petraven. Eniko Ferency selected as candidate by Pastor Nominating Committee.


Rev. Chris Stewart and Rev Jim Collier serve as our Transitional Pastors as Rev. Eniko awaited news on immigration. Erin Guzman accepts position as Interim Chaplain and Director of Religious and Spiritual Life at the college.



Jump to: << 2010


Eniko Ferenczy arrives in Wooster as our new pastor Congregation adjusts to COVID-19 restrictions and closures Gomez choir cancels its spring trip to Wooster due to Covid-19 after 36 years. Services held solely online with Jack Veney’s assistance.


Westminster began recovery from Covid-19 with an entirely new staff (except custodial). Westminster holds first annual Compassion Camp. Westminster returns to in-person services along with livestreams.

Summer: Jack Veney serves as Interim Office Administrator during a time of transition.


Caryl Slater retired from being the Treasurer of Westminster after more than two decades of dedicated service. Heather Veney appointed Treasurer. Westminster holds second annual Compassion Camp.

May: Westminster enhances technology with PTZ Camera for live streaming thanks to a generous donation from the Noble Foundation.


We celebrate full year completions of new staff members: Tony Mendiola, AV tech and event steward, Minister of Music Rev. Dr. Tom Shaw, and Office Administrator Rev. Dr. Jim Henery.

Plans made to revive Story Corp, a successful effort from 2007-2010 to highlight biographical information about those who attend our services.  Bob and Dorothy Iams will be the first to share their story with us in 2024.


Westminster celebrates 150th Anniversary with numerous projects including this timeline, memories, archives, and mission project.