Welcome to Westminster Presbyterian Church

Westminster strives to be an “Intentionally Inclusive” community for all people regardless of ethnicity, creed, age, cultural background, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

Through worship, contemplative prayer, life-long spiritual formation, and acts of compassion and justice ministry, we engage as co-partners in God’s mission of healing and transformation, striving to bring about kin-dom of love and justice for all creation.

At Westminster, we emphasize a “progressive” expression of Christianity that values:

  • intellectual integrity in matters of faith
  • acceptance of all people regardless of ethnicity, creed, age, cultural background, gender, or sexual orientation
  • openness toward the value of other religious traditions
  • a strong commitment to social justice, peacemaking, and the care of our planet

Westminster Presbyterian Church has historic roots in the Wooster community, and was created to serve as the Congregation-in-Residence of The College of Wooster. We have a long-standing tradition of being a place where students and all community members can come and explore their faith without judgment. Westminster tends to attract those who have felt excluded in one way or another by traditional churches. We seek to be a community that values and affirms all kinds of diversity, and we embrace the “house” metaphor to emphasize our commitment to radical hospitality and a desire to be a welcoming and inclusive church for all.

Join us for worship on Sunday mornings at 10:00am.

We look forward to connecting with you!