Westminster Presbyterian Church

Westminster Presbyterian Church – 150th Anniversary

Congratulations Westminster Presbyterian on 150 years of sharing God’s love and standing up for all God’s people in Wooster, Wayne County, on the College Campus, and around the world.

I was a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church from 1984 through the mid 1990’s and served on the Session while at student at Wooster graduating in 1988.  I was also under care at Westminster and the Presbytery as I headed off to be a Young Adult volunteer and to attend the Presbyterian School of Christian Education in Richmond VA.  I was also grateful to have been a Westminster centennial Scholarship Recipient.

While at Wooster I was part of the Seekers Group of College Students meeting at Pastor Barbara Dua’s house or with then Seminary Intern Wendy McCormick.  Forty years later I am still dear friends with Kathleen Smythe, Katie Keller, Winnie and Jerry Williams, Elizabeth Winslea, and in touch with so many more who were part of Seekers group like Shareen Hertel and Chuck Brady.  Many of us have gathered from across the country each Thanksgiving for years.  Our friendships started with faith conversations and worship at Westminster along with some of us living together in Westminster House on campus.

In 1987 a group of 35 of us headed by Barbara Dua and Wendy McCormick from the college, church, and community took a bus part of over 100 busloads of people to march in Washington for the Peace and Justice for Central America and South Africa.

In addition, I am the great niece of Florence Griffith and Sarah Painter who were longtime members of Westminster Presbyterian.  I grew up coming to Wooster to visit “the Aunts” with their sister, my grandmother Harriet Painter Hopkins and Grandfather Dean Hopkins. While attending Wooster, I would show up Sunday Morning in McGraw chapel to sit with my Aunts for worship, visit with their friends, and then go to the Green Leaf Restaurant for lunch. Often my Seeker friends would come along.

I appreciated Westminster’s support while I attended graduate school for my master’s in C.E. and explored ordination.  I have served in three congregations in Texas for 30 years and currently serve in the Office of Christian Formation for the PCUSA Denominational Offices.  So many Westminster members who were part of the community or the college staff like Dr. Cropp were important to me during those years teaching and showing me the connections of science and what as well as what it means to stand up for others and show love to all God’s children.  To all I just say, thank you!

I celebrate Westminster, the people, and its ministry and presence the Wooster Community, The College Community, and beyond for 150 Years!  We know each year brings change but the Westminster congregation has continued to find ways to adapt and be true to the calling to be God’s people in that place.  Blessings on the years ahead.

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