Westminster Presbyterian Church

Westminster Memories

To the Saints at Westminster Wooster

So much to remember from my five years as assistant, associate and interim minister between 1974-1979.  I remember with gratitude my ordination with classmates and a professor driving up from Vanderbilt Divinity School to join church members and students on that day that changed my life.

I remember working with Ken Plusquellec and the staff in his office as I participated in dorm programs and began to know students who continue, even now, to be friends through Facebook.

I remember the “Monday Night Group” that met in my little apartment on Wayne Avenue to wrestle with our questions more than settle on answers, candles lit, wine poured. So many in that group continued on to seminary and ministry, colleagues who retired before I retired!

I remember trying to think up sermon titles that would get students out of bed on a Sunday morning, titles that now seem quaint like, “To Bed or Not to Bed: Is that the Question?” and “On Getting Stoned” (a sermon on the early martyr named Stephen).

I remember learning the poetry of preaching from Barrie Shepherd and the prophetic in preaching from Gordon Stewart.

I remember pastoral visiting and the day that I followed my written directions to a home, knocking on the door, being invited in for coffee, and realizing in the middle of the conversation that I was in the wrong house of someone who was not a member of the church!

I remember visiting Ruth Shields and Mary Beebe and so many older members who taught me that what mattered in ministry was relationships.

I remember Presidents Drushal and Copeland who treated this young minister with a respect I had yet to earn.

I remember Clare Adel and Willy Schreiber who literally became family when I married their youngest in McGaw Chapel and I remember so many in a congregation-become-family whose faces are presently inhabiting my mind as I give thanks to God for the gift of beginning my 45 years of ministry with Westminster Presbyterian Church.

I wish I could be with you for this celebration, but I am heading the Gun Violence Prevention Task Force at the church I attend in Philadelphia and May 5 is the opening exhibition of Souls Shot Portrait Project after worship (https://www.soulsshotportraitproject.org/). My heart, however, is with you!

With love,

Cindy Jarvis

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