Westminster Presbyterian Church

Westminster Story

My name is Vicki Bosler-Kilmer and I grew up at Westminster Presbyterian Church in the late 70s, 80s and early 90s. I went to Sunday school and Youth Group there. My times at Youth Group are especially important to me. I remember the relationships that I formed and the service that we did. I went on a couple mission trips. We went to the Dominican Republic and New York City. In the DR we went to a small village with no running water and worked at a school. Going to the Dominican Republic really opened my eyes to poverty and suffering that occurs in third world countries. While the trip to New York City showed me that there is poverty and suffering in our own country. In NYC, we did construction on rundown buildings to help create low-income housing. We also did some work with Habitat for Humanity in our own area. Through these experiences I learned how important it is to do service for others. I feel genuinely lucky that I grew up as a part of Westminster and had all these amazing experiences as part of the youth group. It has definitely shaped who I am as a person. Both of my sons were baptized at Westminster as well.

NYC – Cleaning garbage in front of building we were fixing up for low-income housing
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